Walked up the Malvern Hills today with Ana. We had to climb quite a bit before we got above the mist but the summit of Worcestershire Beacon was above the clouds and gave us wonderful views across to the Costwolds. As we neared the top, two mountain bikers came up in seriously low gears and going at little more than walking pace. They should have been out of breath but one of them was keeping up an ongoing monologue about some computer software he was working one. The other listened in stoic silence as his companion prattled on about Java classes and exceptions, we could hear him from 100 years and he didn't draw breath. As they drew level with us the silent one gave us a wry and long-suffering smile. I had to resist the impulse to to shout at them: "For f***'* sake man, shut up and start enjoying the view... and change up a gear!" but I didn't.
Here's the view over the cloud tops - in the distance you can just see Bredon Hill and the Cotswolds.